Web Test Plan Development

Web Test Plan Development
The objective of a test plan is to provide a roadmap so that the Web site can be evaluated through requirements or design statements. A test plan is a document that describes objectives and the scope of a Web site project. When you prepare a test plan, you should think through the process of the Web site test. The plan should be written so that it can successfully give the reader a complete picture of the Web site project and should be thorough enough to be useful. Following are some of the items that might be included in a test plan. Keep in mind thatthe items may vary depending on the Web site project.
The Web Testing Process
  • Internet
  • Web Browser
  • Web Server
  • Title of the project:
  • Date:
  • Prepared by:
  • Objective of testing: Why are you testing the application? Who, what, when, where, why, and how should be some of the questions you ask in this section of the test plan.
  • Overview of the application: What is the purpose of the application? What are the specifications of the project?
  • Responsible parties: Who is responsible and in charge of the testing?
  • List of test team: What are the names and titles of the people on the test team?
  • Anticipated risks: What types of risks are involved that could cause the test to fail?
  • Similar risks from previous releases: Have there been documented risks from previous tests that may be helpful in setting up the current test?
  • Possible limitations of testing: Are there any factors that may inhibit the test, such as resources and budget?
  • Impossible testing: What are the considerations involved that could prevent the tests that are planned?
  • Anticipated output: What are the anticipated outcomes of the test and have they been documented for comparison?
  • Anticipated input: What are the anticipated outcomes that need to be compared to the test documentation?
  • What are the operating systems that will be used?
  • What is the compatibility of all the hardware being used?
  • What data configurations are needed to run the software?
  • Have all the considerations of the required interfaces to other systems been used?
  • Are the software and hardware compatible?
  • Database setup requirements: Does test data need to be generated or will a specific data from production be captured and used for testing?
  • Setup requirements: Who will be responsible for setting up the environment and maintaining it throughout the testing process?
  • Automated:Will automated tools be used?
  • Manual:Will manual testing be done?
  • Test cases: Are there test cases already prepared or will they need to be prepared?
  • Test scripts: Are there test scripts already prepared or will they need to be prepared?
  • Tools: What type of tools will be selected?
  • Processes: Who will be involved in the problem tracking process?
  • Testing deliverables: What are the deliverables for the test?
  • Retests: How will the retesting reporting be documented?
  • Training:Will training be provided?
  • Implementation: How will training be implemented?
  • Appendix:Will samples be included?
  • Reference materials:Will there be a glossary, acronyms, and/or data dictionary?
Once you have written your test plan, you should address some of the following issues and questions:
  • Verify plan. Make sure the plan is workable, the dates are realistic, and that the plan is published. How will the test plan be implemented and what are the deliverables provided to verify the test?
  • Validate changes. Changes should be recorded by a problem tracking system and assigned to a developer to make revisions, retest, and sign off on changes that have been made.
  • Acceptance testing. Acceptance testing allows the end users to verify that the system works according to their expectation and the documentation. Certification of the Web site should be recorded and signed off by the end users, testers, and management.
Test reports. Reports should be generated and the data should be checked and validated by the test team and users.


Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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