Interview Questions

Interview Question Answer By Testing Expert- Dr K.V.V.K. Prasad
Testing Scenarios :
Q: How do you know that all the scenarios for testing are covered? By using the Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) we can ensure that we have covered all the functionalities in Test Coverage. RTM is a document that traces User Requirements from analysis through implementations. RTm can be used as a completeness check to verify that all the requirements are present or that there is no unnecessary/extra features and as a maintenance guide to new personnel. We can use the simple format in Excel sheet where we map the Functionality with the Test case ID. 2. Complete Testing with Time Constraints :
Question: How do you complete the testing when you have a time constraint? If i am doinf regression testing and i do not have sufficient time then we have to see for which sort of regression testing i have to go 1)unit regression testing 2)Regional Regression testing 3)Full Regression testing. 3. Given an yahoo application how many test cases u can write? First we need requirements of the yahoo applicaiton. I think test cases are written aganist given requirements.So for any working webapplication or new application, requirements are needed to prepare testcases.The number of testcases depends on the requirements of the application Note to learners : A Test Engineer must have knowledge on SDLC. I suggest learners to take any one exiting application and start pratice from writing requirements. 4. Lets say we have an GUI map and scripts, a we got some 5 new pages included inan application how do we do that? By integration testing. 5. GUI contains 2 fields Field 1 to accept the value of x and Field 2 displays the result of the formula a+b/c-d where a= 0.4*x, b=1.5*a, c=x, d=2.5*b; How many system test cases would you write GUI contains 2 fields Field 1 to accept the value of x and Field 2 displays the result so that there is only one testcase to write

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